Happy Hypnosis and the Twelve Steps

Don Ross is a certified hypnotherapist and a person in long-term recovery who has incorporated hypnosis in his recovery and helps others do the same. In this episode, we learn how Don incorporates hypnosis with the Twelve Steps

What we talked about

  • The basics of hypnosis.
  • The difference between self-hypnosis and being guided by a trained and certified hypnotherapist.
  • The difference between meditation and self-hypnosis.
  • How Don got into recovery and why it was natural for him to incorporate hypnosis as part of his recovery program.
  • How hypnosis helps with the Twelve Steps.
  • The similarities and differences between mindfulness and hypnosis.

Memorable quotes

Hypnosis is going back into that programmable brain state that we all go through several times a day, and while we are in that brain state, entertaining suggestions of changing ways of experiencing things. 

Basically, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. 

Desperation helped me go deeper.


Don’s Website Happy Hypnosis Sedona.