The Proactive Twelve Steps Sixth Edition

Serge Prengel is a therapist and life coach, and co-founder of the Integrative Focusing Therapy Online Training Program. He is also the author of The Proactive Twelve Steps: A mindful Program For Lasting Change. The sixth edition of the book was recently published and Serge visited with me to talk about what is new and why.

What we discussed

  • Why Serge wrote the book.
  • How the steps become more meaningful when removing the supernatural language.
  • How the Twelve Steps facilitate change.
  • The new Step One getting rid of the notion that control is a negative word.
  • Taking control of our own destiny but not with hubris.
  • The impact of trauma on addiction.
  • Mindfulness is the ability to be present.
  • Searching for patterns in Step Four.
  • How our behaviors and emotions are impacted by our biology.
  • What Serge does as a therapist and coach.
  • The collective trauma of the pandemic.


Buy the book on Amazon: The Proactive Twelve Steps 

Serge’s website

Serge’s YouTube Channel: Active Pause 

Beyond Belief Sobriety Episode 73: The Proactive Twelve Steps